Visitor Management

Automate your visitor management processes for a welcoming and positive visitor experience, while maintaining safety and security.

Automate Your Visitor Management

What is visitor management?

A visitor management system helps you and your staff manage the visitor process to achieve an effective workflow: from registration, to the printing of visitor badges, to reporting on visitors.

It allows receptionists to quickly check visitors in, print badges and perform barcode scans of badges to keep track of registered visitors. The system helps to improve security and comes with many benefits and automation features.

Visitor Management
Trusted Worldwide


More efficient and safer visitor management

Some highlights of the software Resource Central for visitor management include:

  • Ability to register multiple visitors at once
  • Create recurring visits
  • Ability to configure visitor authorizations by specific locations and zones
  • Customizable fields in visitor configuration

Contact us to hear more about the many functions that make guest registration easier.

visitor management

Registering Visitors

When registering visitors, you can add multiple visitors at once in order to make the registration of many visitors faster for the end user. You can also create a recurring visit when inviting visitors. The visitor will be listed in the visitor overview for each day and can be checked in appropriately. The expected arrival and departure times can be adjusted per day, e.g., if the visitor is leaving earlier on Friday.

The software allows you to set up your user interface as you prefer. Also, you can decide which data should be stored on the visitor and therewith can be used again if the visitor visits frequently.

It is also possible to configure a visitor badge to be used as default on one or more locations when creating new visitors in the Visitor Module or for badge print in a self-registration kiosk.

See an example of visitor management.

visitor management

Authorization of visitors      

Resource Central has a Visitor Authorization feature implemented. This means that you can configure Authorizers to authorize visitors’ visits at specific locations and zones.

You can set up a mix of authorization processes so that only visitors going into areas with high security or areas with limited capacity will require authorization. Visitors going into your more ‘open’ areas will not require authorization. Visitors can also be set up to be escorted during their visit.

Authorizers will be notified by email, when visitors require authorization, and they can see and manage the authorization in the visitor overview. The role of the Authorizer can also be configured as a receptionist and thereby be able to check visitors in and out, print badges or perform any other functions in the visitor module.

visitor management software

Easily configure your own visitor types

In the visitor registration system, different visitor types can be created. This makes it easy for the reception staff to ensure the right reception when guests come to visit. Examples of visitor types are

  • VIP guests
  • visitors with restricted access to certain areas
  • craftsmen
  • long-term guests
  • or other categories that might be relevant to your organization.

The front desk personnel can then, for example, make sure to have access cards ready, reserve a VIP parking space, or book extra lunch, depending on the organization’s internal procedures and wishes.

The guest types can be configured per location, so it is possible to have different types or categories at different locations. The guest type can be set as needed by the meeting organizer or by the front desk staff.

visitor types software

Self-registration Kiosk

In unsupervised lobbies or high-traffic reception areas, companies can use the self-registration kiosk feature where visitors can check themselves in (hardware required). No longer do receptionists have to spend an inordinate amount of time signing visitors in and notifying hosts.

Find out more about our digital signage partners here.

Built for

Outlook team calendar
MS Exchange
Office 365
Microsoft Teams

Key Benefits of Automating Your Front Office with Visitor Management

Automating your front office with receptionist software offers numerous benefits. Not only does it free up your front office staff to spend more time on other tasks, it enhances your company’s professional image by streamlining the guest registration process.

Additional benefits of Resource Central’s receptionist features include the following:

  • Improve security by being able to determine exactly who is in your facility, at all times
  • Send email notifications to hosts when visitors sign in
  • Implement a self-registration kiosk to allow visitors to check themselves in
More about Receptionist Software
Visitor Manager

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Resource Central as a visitor management system

Resource Central has many built-in features that make it easy to use the software as the company’s preferred visitor registration system.

When visitors are registered correctly when they arrive, security is enhanced. And when guests’ arrival can be registered faster and more efficiently, delays or queues at reception are also reduced.

When using Resource Central as a visitor management system, meeting organizers can also register visitors in advance and front desk staff can quickly check them in and print name badges or hand out access cards – or guests can check themselves in. The visitor registration system can also be used with barcodes, so with a simple scan it is easy to identify who is checking in.

Read more about our meeting room booking system.

visitor management system

Visitor Management FAQs

What is the purpose of a visitor management system?


A visitor management system has several purposes, such as:

  • improve security
  • make it easier for front desk staff
  • automate processes
  • more professional image
  • streamline guest registration
  • easy self-registration

Here are some ways to optimize your visitor management.

Who needs visitor management systems?


Visitor management systems are essential for a wide range of organizations that need to monitor, manage, and secure the flow of visitors. They are used to streamline visitor check-ins, enhance security, and maintain accurate visitor logs.

Some key sectors that benefit from these systems are corporate offices, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, government buildings, and the utilities sector.

Any organization concerned with security, operational efficiency, and visitor experience can greatly benefit from implementing a visitor management system.

What People Say

Testimonial image

From an IT and Digitalization perspective, Add-On Products has been a competent supplier for 10 years. They have provided great input in relation to future development of the solution in accordance with Aarhus Municipality's needs. Most recently they have assisted in an innovative booking project that will make the solution available to a completely new user group.

Søren Laursen, Chief Consultant

Aarhus Municipality, Denmark

Testimonial image

"Our staff are very comfortable using Resource Central to manage their diaries and meetings"

Ian Scullion, Project Manager

Manchester Primary Care Trust, UK

Testimonial image

"The main reason we chose Resource Central is that it supports multiple companies and is easy to use and operate. Having a single solution for all the companies to operate has been a real benefit."

Svein Arne Hammersland, Manager ICT

Sparebanken Vest, Norway

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