6th FUTURE Workplaces Summit

Our participation in the event is postponed until next year.

Due to the current increase in COVID-19 infection levels in Europe, we feel it would be irresponsible to participate in a physical event at this time. Add-On Products do not wish to risk the health of our potential customers and stakeholders, as well as our employees, and have therefore made the hard decision not to attend the 6th #FUTUREWorkplaces2021 Summit in Berlin November 24th – 26th. We hope to see you at the event next year.


Come see Add-On Products at the 6th Future Workplaces Summit on 24. – 25. – 26. November in Berlin, Germany. 

We are Platinum Sponsors for the event and will be speaking at the event on the 26th of November at 09:30-10:10. 

The 6th Future Workplaces Summit is an event which focuses on technological advancements and strategies in the digital workplace, space utilization, best practices, and challenging examples. 

We will focus on our back-to-the workplace solutions such as Workspace and Desk Booking from the Add-On smartphone app and  Microsoft Outlook® via laptop and/ or web app.  

Register and read more about the exhibition here.